Title – Sweetest and Happiest comedy of William Shakespeare | Summary of “AS YOU LIKE IT” It is often commented that “As You Like It” is the sweetest and happiest …
OTHELLO BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE: CHARACTER ANALYSIS, DESCRIPTION & SKETCH Of all Shakespeare’s tragic heroes Othello seems to be the simplest in temperament yet weak enough to be easily beguiled by …
Role of Humour in “As You Like It” In the medieval period, the word humour carried a different connotation which was generally understood to be a peculiar turn of mind, …
It is obvious that Seneca, the Roman Dramatist, influenced the tragic writers of England more than Sophocles and Aeschylus. He left his mark on the English stage, partly because of …
“Inquilab” is one of the most effective realistic play by Asif Currimbhoy regarding the social issue. Asif Currimbhoy (1928-1975) has his unique recognition to produce the crucial realistic play for …
George Bernard Shaw dominated the literary scene of the later part of the 19th century as a crusader for new ideas. His chief purpose was to emancipate human understanding from …