Of Studies Essay by Francis Bacon

Critically Evaluate the Francis Bacon Essay “Of Studies” :

Bacon was a widely reputed essay thinker, and philosopher. In his choice of subject and its range Bacon displays fertility of mind and amazing novelty. His essays reveal a breadth of intellect, worldly wisdom, and his concern with public life and material advancement. The essay is impersonal, and objective showing scientific detachment which makes them formal and cold. Of Studies is one of the finest specimens of Bacon’s genius. It offers great insight into the pros and cons Of Studies.

The writer says that study is a delight for a lonely man because he gets pleasure from books in lonesome hours. Among other benefits Of Study is its ability to add grace and charm to one’s conversational skill but the most rewarding is the competence that study offers in judging an issue in the best possible manner. Study endows adeptness and flair, it brings adequacy and accomplishment to our personality. Being a highly potential source of knowledge and information study develops the knacks of how to cultivate our attitude and capability for judgment. Further elaborating on the different aspects Of Study the writer says that reading makes a complete means writing brings precision and discipline while conference confers plenty of wits. However, the writers warn against much indulgence in the study because it produces slothness while the vain show of it is silly and laughable and to depend solely on the study is farcical. Computing various advantages Of Study in rectifying psychological malaise, Bacon says that interest in the subject of history makes one wise in which the reading of poetry makes witty. Mathematics brings stability to a wavering mind and philosophy brings forth dept and seriousness. In order to enrich oratorial skill logic and rhetoric is of great help. In this regard, the study of various branches is like different physical exercises that correct defects and anomalies human body. Undoubtedly, this essay represents Bacon’s wonderful gift of condensed style with the strict economy of the world, Bacon gives expression to his views and ideas. This is a masterpiece of bravery and tenseness in some of the sentences, the same as proverbs. Bacon’s epigrammatic and aphoristic manner of presentation obviously reaches a height in these lines:
“Studies serve for Delight, for Ornament, and for Ability.”
“Crafty men condemn studies; simple men admire them; and wise men use them.”
“Reading Maketh a full man; Conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.”

In the use of similes, Bacon shows amazing appropriateness and originality. He says that “Distilled books are like common distilled waters, flashy things.” The remedial effects of physical exercises on bodily disease or compared with the defects of different studies on mental weakness as his penchant for Latin citation. He uses two of them in this sharp essay.

Of Studies has marked a place among the essays written in English prose, it gives a number of sound maxims and quotations same as the sentences strict to our memory without any mental effort on our part to put them into memory. These qualities combined together make it of abiding value and great interest.

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