Summary of ‘OF AMBITION’ by Francis Bacon Bacon was a widely reputed essayist, thinker, and philosopher. In the choice of subject and range, his essays reveal a breath of intellect, …
Analysis of the Poem The Good Morrow By John Donne Contrary to the easy and fluent style, stock imagery, and pastoral convention of Elizabethan poetry, John Donne evolved a new …
Role of Humour in “As You Like It” In the medieval period, the word humour carried a different connotation which was generally understood to be a peculiar turn of mind, …
Main Features of Indian English Poetry after Independence Era: The Indian English writing made a beginning in the work of translation. There was the death of originality, the aim being …
Fiction was the last to appear in the Indian English literary scene. Early attempts of fictional writing manifest itself but they are tales rather than novels. With the turn of …
Arts reflects society, it presents a graphic account of social currents and its ebbs and flows. Since an artist can hardly display an air of indifference to his surroundings, his …
R.K. Narayan weaves the plot of the novel ‘The Man-Eater of Malgudi’ on an ancient myth of Bhasmasur and Mohini. However, he is not interested in extolling the spiritual heritage of …
The character of Vasu in the novel the Man-Eater of Malgudi: R.K. Narayan professes to set forth the eternal conflict between good and evil in ‘The Man-Eater of Malgudi’. There …
History of Algebra in Linguistics: These days this word refers to that branch of mathematics in which quantities are represented by letters and signs. The etymology of this word tells …
The Suffix in Linguistics: A remarkable feature of the flexibility and richness of English vocabulary comes from the use of prefixes and suffixes to form new words and old words …