The closing moments of the 19th Century saw the emergence of Impressionism in Europe as well as in England. The main effort of the artist in impressionism is in the …
Absurdism found its way through Albert Camus “The Myth of Sisyphus”. He defined the absurd as the tension which emerges from man’s determination to discover purpose and order in a …
In the twenties, the new interest in psychology turned poets to investigate the hidden impulses of man. Eliot gave currency to internal monologue. It was in psychology and politics that …
Critical Appreciation of Spring And Fall G.M. Hopkins is a curious literary instance of a poet being far ahead of his times. His poetry is so original in poetic craftsmanship …
George Bernard Shaw dominated the literary scene of the later part of the 19th century as a crusader for new ideas. His chief purpose was to emancipate human understanding from …
PREFIX : A remarkable feature of the flexibility and richness of English vocabulary comes from the use of prefixes and suffixes to form new words from old words or to modify …
SHORTENING : Shortening is a method of word formation by which much-used conversation is clipped to one or more of their syllables. It has contributed much to the enrichment of English …
DERIVATION : Derivation means the formation of a new word out of an old one by adding some prefix or suffix to it. Obviously, this is the commonest form of making …