Absurdism found its way through Albert Camus “The Myth of Sisyphus”. He defined the absurd as the tension which emerges from man’s determination to discover purpose and order in a world which refuses to display either. Awareness of this lack of purpose in all, we do produce a state of metaphysical anguish which is the central theme of the writers in the theatre of the Absurd, most notably Samuel Beckett, Eugene Ionesco, Arthur Adamov, Jeam Genet, Harold Pinter, and Gunter Grass. They felt that life is essentially meaningless hence miserable. Reality is unbearable unless relieved by dreams and illusions. Absurd drama is not purposeful and specific as it solves no problems. It is like an abstract painting which is supposed not to convey a definite meaning.

SURREALISM in Literature
In the twenties, the new interest in psychology turned poets to investigate the hidden impulses of man. Eliot gave currency to internal monologue. It was in psychology and politics that the poets of the thirties…

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