German Pathologist Edwin Klebs observed Pneumonia bacteria under a microscope for the first step and this was a huge step forward in the fight against the pulmonary disease. Pneumonia is an acute infection of the lungs that produce coughing, fever, chills, muscles aches, and difficulty in breathing in those who suffer from it. Its infection was very high in 1930. The development of the antibiotics penicillin played a major role in this decline. It is mainly caused by a bacteria known as Streptococcus pneumoniae. It is caused especially to those who have a weak immune system. The first written account of pneumonia dates back to Hippocrates. ‘Hippocrates’ account not only named pneumonia but also described its symptoms.

Jacob Grimm, following up the suggestion of a Danish Scholar, Rask, formulated explanation which accounted for the correspondences between certain consonants in Germanic language and those found in Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin. According to Grimm,…

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